
I am a product engineer, typescript developer and rational tinkerer.

I deeply care about the quality of my work, simplicity, performance, and iteration velocity. I am a generalist driven by the curiosity to build better software, faster. I believe that great execution is essential for product/idea validation.

I have experience in both client-side and server-side development, with a stronger focus on interfaces. I have over eight years of experience in React, JavaScript, and Node.js, and over six years with TypeScript and Next.js. I respect web standards and the platform™.

I live at the intersection of engineering and design. I enjoy crafting fast products, finding the balance between technical possibilities, aesthetics, and usability. I am an engineer at heart, but I've been lucky to work closely with many excellent designers who have not only deepened my understanding and respect for design but also helped shape my product taste.

product engineering
UTC+22 hours ahead

I am a product engineer, typescript developer and rational tinkerer.

I deeply care about the quality of my work, simplicity, performance, and iteration velocity. I am a generalist driven by the curiosity to build better software, faster. I believe that great execution is essential for product/idea validation.

I have experience in both client-side and server-side development, with a stronger focus on interfaces. I have over eight years of experience in React, JavaScript, and Node.js, and over six years with TypeScript and Next.js. I respect web standards and the platform™.

I live at the intersection of engineering and design. I enjoy crafting fast products, finding the balance between technical possibilities, aesthetics, and usability. I am an engineer at heart, but I've been lucky to work closely with many excellent designers who have not only deepened my understanding and respect for design but also helped shape my product taste.

product engineering
UTC+22 hours ahead
get in touch @prchdkget in touch @prchdkget in touch @prchdkget in touch @prchdkget in touch @prchdkget in touch @prchdkget in touch @prchdkget in touch @prchdk
get in touch @prchdkget in touch @prchdkget in touch @prchdkget in touch @prchdkget in touch @prchdkget in touch @prchdkget in touch @prchdkget in touch @prchdk